Associate in Science Degree
Download PDFThis transfer Liberal Arts program is designed for students interested in the sports management field who plan to transfer into a four year Business or Sports Management Program. Graduates from this program can continue with their sports management education and can pursue careers as team managers, personal agents, and executives in business that support professional and amateur sports. They can also work in fitness centers, recreation centers, and ice arenas, as well as sporting good sales and marketing.
This is a transfer program that will offer students a seamless transfer to Upper Level SUNY colleges. The ever-growing sport industry is a multibillion dollar industry that has many different potential avenues to provide employment opportunities. Graduates from this program can continue with their sports management/business education and could enter the exciting world of professional/collegiate sports as event managers, personal agents, and executives in businesses that support professional and amateur sport. Other venues could include fitness centers, recreation centers and ice arenas as well as sporting goods sales and marketing.
Total Credit Hours: 61
First Semester
CF100 College Foundations SeminarCredits: 1.0
This course is an opportunity for students to develop the skills necessary to be successful in college. Students learn the importance of the faculty-student and advisor-advisee relationship, develop time management techniques, apply effective study skill techniques, recognize the implications of living in a diverse society, utilize college resources, and explore career and transfer requirements. Collaborative projects are included. Students matriculated in a degree program must take this course in their first term of study.
EN101 English 1: CompositionCredits: 3.0
This course focuses on several kinds of writing-self-expressive, informative, and argumentative/persuasive, and others. A minimum of five essay compositions are required. The course emphasizes the composition of clear, correct, and effective prose required in a variety of professions and occupations. Prerequisites: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or EN090 Basic Writing Skills or SL116 ESL4: Advanced Composition or SL145 ESOL Advanced Composition
AC131 Business Law 1Credits: 3.0
This basic law course investigates the application of law to societal and business relationships through a study of the concept of commercial law and its sources, the law of contracts, the law of sales, and the law of negotiable instruments. Lecture, class discussion, and case study comprise the primary methods of instruction In the effort to develop awareness of the logic and application of the law.
HI101 History of Civ 1Credits: 3.0
This course introduces the nature and study of history, and covers the emergence and development of Eurasian civilization to about 1500 A.D. in the Near East, India, China, Europe, the Western Hemisphere, and Africa. Attention is given to religion in these civilizations and on the rise of the West to a position of world power during the Middle Ages.
IS101 Computers and SocietyCredits: 3.0
This course provides knowledge of relevant computer skills and a solid foundation in the terminology and concepts of computer technology. Experience is provided with a variety of microcomputer software applications, including word processing, electronic spreadsheets, graphics, file management, and integrated software. Concepts and terms focus on preparing for a technologically oriented society and using the computer as a tool for productivity, research, and communication.
SM101 Found of Sport MngmntCredits: 3.0
This course provides an overview of sports management in terms of its scope, principles, issues, future trends, and career opportunities. It also examines the job responsibilities and competencies required of sport managers in a variety of sports or sports-related organizations. The course also provides students with an overview of the different facets and career opportunities that are available in the field of sport management.
Second Semester
EN102 English 2:Idea&Values LitCredits: 3.0
This course encourages a deeper understanding of human nature and the human condition through the study of ideas and values expressed in imaginative literature. Emphasis is placed on the use and development of critical thinking and language skills. Library-oriented research is required. Prerequisite: EN101 English 1: Composition or EN105 English Composition for Speakers of Other Languages or EN106 English 1: Composition & Reading.
MA115 Intermediate MathematicsCredits: 4.0
This course introduces intermediate algebra-level knowledge and skills. Topics include exponents and radicals, polynomial and rational expressions, functions and relations and their graphs, inequalities, and systems of linear equations. Linear, quadratic, rational, and radical equations are solved. Applications are included. Prerequisite: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or MA089 Arithmetic.
History Elective (a)Credits: 3.0
HI111 Am History to 1865Credits: 3.0
This survey course provides an introduction to American history as well as a deeper understanding of how its geography, people, institutions, and culture interact to define the American experience. It begins with Pre-Contact Societies and concludes with the end of the Civil War.
HI112 Am History 1865-PresentCredits: 3.0
This course continues to survey the development of the American story from an agricultural, frontier society to an urban, industrial nation. Emphasis is placed on the economic revolution of the post-Civil War era, its social, political, and military aspects, and the emergence of America as a world leader. It begins with Reconstruction and concludes with the present.
SM102 Sport and SocietyCredits: 3.0
This course examines the social dimensions of sport in a modern industrialized society. Topics include sexism and racism in sport; sport and the mass media; deviance in sport; sport and social mobility; and the relationship of sport with religious, political, and economic structures.
SM111 Sport Event Prac 1Credits: 1.0
This course focuses on the use and development of basic knowledge and skills necessary for work in college athletics. This course is offered in the Spring sport season (baseball, lacrosse, softball, track, and tennis). A 45-hour practicum in a specific sport under the supervision of a coach or athletic liaison reinforces of professionalism, organization, leadership, and sport specific duties within the world of college athletics. Prerequisite: SM101 Foundations of Sports Management.
PE154 Fitness CenterCredits: 1.0
This course introduces students to a comprehensive fitness program, including strength training, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility enhancement. Students develop the basic knowledge to pursue fitness as a lifetime endeavor.
Third Semester
AC115 Financial AccountingCredits: 3.0
This course is the first of a sequence that explores fundamental accounting principles, concepts, and practices as a basis for the preparation, understanding, and interpretation of accounting information. It covers the complete accounting cycle for service and merchandising businesses through the adjustment and closing of the books and the preparation of the income statement, the statement of owner equity, and the balance sheet. The details of accounting for cash, receivables, inventory, long-lived assets, and current liabilities are investigated.
EN150 Effective SpeechCredits: 3.0
This course is an introduction to public speaking. It emphasizes the fundamentals of preparing, organizing, supporting, and delivering the speech based on factual material. It includes topic selection, audience analysis, fact vs. opinion, outlining, supporting material, and visual support. Informative, demonstrative, and persuasive speeches are presented. Elements of interpersonal communication, logic, and persuasion are discussed. Prerequisite: EN101 English 1: Composition or EN105 English Composition for Speakers of Other Languages or EN106 English 1: Composition & Reading.
PY101 Intro General PsychologyCredits: 3.0
This course introduces the many and varied facets of psychology. Emphasis is on interactions of individuals in their cultural, social, and economic environments as determined by their cognitive, behavioral, and emotional experiences and training.
SM112 Sport Event Prac 2Credits: 1.0
This course focuses on the use and development of basic knowledge and skills necessary for work in college athletics. This course is offered in the Fall sport season (soccer, crosscountry, basketball). A 45-hour practicum in a specific sport under the supervision of a coach or athletic liaison reinforces professionalism, organization, leadership, and sport specific duties within the world of college athletics. Prerequisite; SM101 Foundations of Sport Management.
GE Natural Science Elective (b)Credits: 4.0
Take either BI103, BI105, BI141, BI216, CH101, CH111, CH131, CH141, GL101, GL102, PH112, PH141, PH145, PH151, PH261, or WE101
PE Physical EducationCredits: 0.5
Take any Physical Education Elective
Fourth Semester
BM110 Prin of MicroeconomicsCredits: 3.0
This course studies the behavior of the individual and firm in allocating resources in a market system under various the degrees of competition. Topics include the nature of economics, scarcity choice, market pricing and applications, theory of consumer choice, business cost measurement, forms of competition, antitrust and regulations of business, factor pricing, externalities, and pollution. Poverty-income distribution, labor economics, or agricultural economics may also be discussed.
BM120 Prin of MarketingCredits: 3.0
This course emphasizes the basic practices, concepts, and activities involved in developing a successful marketing program. Topics include buyer behavior, market identification, product development, distribution, promotion, pricing, and the uncontrollable factors (economic, social, political, legal and technological) involved in the changing marketing environment of today.
MA110 Elementary StatisticsCredits: 3.0
This course introduces probability and statistics. Topics include graphs, tables, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, normal distribution, correlation and regression, probability, and inferential statistics. This course is available in two formats: lecture only, or lecture plus laboratory using technology. Prerequisite: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or MA089 Arithmetic.
SM201 Leadership for Sport ProfCredits: 3.0
This course introduces students to theories, approaches, and styles of leadership, as well as the role that ethics and ethical decision making play in shaping leader behavior. Students analyze leadership practices within different sport settings. Case studies of sport leaders from multiple sport levels and structures are used to examine best practices in sport leadership. Critical issues in sport leadership such as gender and ethnicity are examined as well. Students begin to explore their own leadership thoughts and tendencies and emphasis is placed on the promotion of personal leadership development with a focus towards successful sports leadership.
SO101 Intro SociologyCredits: 3.0
This course gives an understanding of and a feeling for the society in which we live. The concepts and theories discussed relate to humanity, its culture and society, and to those forces that contribute to the smooth operation of this society as well as those forces that contribute to conflict and social problems. Topics include culture, socialization, stratification, population, and patterns of social organization.
PE Physical EducationCredits: 0.5
Take any Physical Education Course
Prerequisite: Meet MVCC Admission requirements.
This transfer program is designed to allow students the opportunity to complete in 2 years with an A.S. in Sports Management. The student will then have an opportunity to transfer seamlessly into an upper level SUNY College. Sports Management is a program that is exciting to students that are interested in MVCC and the sports industry. In discussions with MVCC Admissions Counselors and coaches who speak with potential MVCC students, many feel that Sport Management would be a great addition to the choices that we already offer and help to attract new students. The Jorgensen Center provides an excellent facility to run the program with the new field house and the fitness center. Also, the success of the athletic program and the 19 sports that we have, provide an opportunity for students in the major to gain valuable experience in the industry.
(a) History Electives include: HI111 American History 1492 - 1850 OR HI112 American History 1850 - Present.
(b) Natural Science Electives include: BI103, BI105, BI141, BI216,
CH101, CH111, CH131, CH141, GL101, GL102, PH112, PH141, PH145, PH151, PH261, or WE101