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This certificate combines aspects of data science, mathematics, and general business knowledge.  Students are prepared to use analytical techniques to make informed business organizational decisions.  Graduates will develop the competencies needed to gather data, organize, and cleanse the data, and use industry-leading software to create useful models built upon the data.  Data Analytics skills are used widely in the fields of marketing, financial management, health care, transportation, and manufacturing.

Total Credit Hours: 30

First Semester

This course introduces students to the science of business analytics and examines how data analytics are used to transform businesses across different industries. The course focuses on identifying ideal analytical techniques for specific business needs. Analytical techniques covered include regression analysis, logistic regression, and decision trees. Analytics software is introduced. Corequisite: MA110 Elementary Statistics

This course provides knowledge of relevant computer skills and a solid foundation in the terminology and concepts of computer technology. Experience is provided with a variety of microcomputer software applications, including word processing, electronic spreadsheets, graphics, file management, and integrated software. Concepts and terms focus on preparing for a technologically oriented society and using the computer as a tool for productivity, research, and communication.

This course focuses on several kinds of writing-self-expressive, informative, and argumentative/persuasive, and others. A minimum of five essay compositions are required. The course emphasizes the composition of clear, correct, and effective prose required in a variety of professions and occupations. Prerequisites: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or EN090 Basic Writing Skills or SL116 ESL4: Advanced Composition or SL145 ESOL Advanced Composition

This course studies the behavior of the individual and firm in allocating resources in a market system under various the degrees of competition. Topics include the nature of economics, scarcity choice, market pricing and applications, theory of consumer choice, business cost measurement, forms of competition, antitrust and regulations of business, factor pricing, externalities, and pollution. Poverty-income distribution, labor economics, or agricultural economics may also be discussed.

This course introduces probability and statistics. Topics include graphs, tables, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, normal distribution, correlation and regression, probability, and inferential statistics. This course is available in two formats: lecture only, or lecture plus laboratory using technology. Prerequisite: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or MA089 Arithmetic.

Second Semster

This course expands the knowledge of those already familiar with the basic elements of electronic spreadsheets. It examines the various uses for a spreadsheet in business. Intermediate and advanced spreadsheet techniques are examined, including the power of functions, formatting, analytical graphics, and macros. Prerequisites: IS101 Computers and Society or IS100 Introduction to Computers and Society.

This course will introduce students to basic database concepts. The course will focus on designing and structuring databases to meet the objectives of management. Students will use a database management system to complete an in-depth exploration of query capabilities and report generation. The student will learn the creation and management of a working database from the ground up. When the student completes this course, they will have the ability to create tables, queries, forms, and reports within database software and understand the role of a database within a business setting.

This course focuses on utilizing data analytics techniques to make informed business decisions. It includes discussions of mathematical programming, simulation, and optimization. Modeling software will be used to facilitate problem solving and analysis. Prerequisite: BA101 Introduction to Analytics

This course examines how analytical tools are utilized in operations and project management. It focuses on managing, critiquing, and improving inventory systems, supply chains, quality control, and other business processes. Prerequisite: MA110

This course is a continuation of Elementary Statistics (MA110) emphasizing confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Topics include single and two-sample analysis, single and multiple regression, chi-square testing, testing and estimating standard deviation and variance, one-way and two-way ANOVA. Emphasis is placed on selecting the proper technique, satisfying its requirements and correctly reporting the results. Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of MA110 Elementary Statistics or an equivalent course.