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The purpose of this certificate is to provide students with an overall view of computer and networked security. The goal of this course is to train students to be able to effectively design, implement, and support security policies for a large scale enterprise network. Students are exposed to a wide variety of security analysis/defensive tools, students implement these tools, and then attempt to circumvent them.

Goal 1 To prepare students to transfer to assume entry-level positions in the Cybersecurity fields

  • Graduates seeking a job secure a position in the field of business within two years.

Goal 2 To prepare the students to interact effectively within a diverse Information Technology population

  • Students will interact effectively within a diverse student population by completing collaborative projects.
  • Students will complete DGV requirements.

Goal 3. Prepare students to interact in a diverse population

  • Students will demonstrate the use of computers to solve networking problems.
  • Students will analyze and understand a computer network.

Goal 4 To train students on how to effectively design, implement, and support security policies for a large-scale enterprise network

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to create security policies/procedures.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to apply information toward making decisions.

Goal 5 To provide an overall view of the criminal justice process and it's relation to the investigation of cyber-crimes

  • Students will demonstrate data acquisition and recovery concepts.

Goal 6 To train students to effectively implement and support system software

  • Students will configure an operating system to function effectively in a networked environment.

Goal 7 To prepare students to demonstrate information literacy

  • Students will use traditional and contemporary information technology.
  • Students will identify, access, and appropriately use authoritative sources of information.

Gainful Employment - follow the link below for gainful employment information.


Total Credit Hours: 24

First Semester

This course provides students with a broad understanding of the concepts and interdisciplinary applications of cybersecurity and its impact on society. It examines the historical development of security in technology as it relates to governance, personal information and assets, and major commerce sectors such as finance, healthcare, retail, and manufacturing. It also introduces basic networking, assessing and handling of security risks, hardware components, and basic computer troubleshooting.

This course introduces computer programming methods and techniques of problem-solving using structured programming. Students analyze problems and organize effective solutions. Techniques of problem-solving include defining the problem, specifying required input and output, developing the algorithm, and testing the solution. Students also translate the algorithms to a high-level programming language.

This course covers the role of computer operating systems. It emphasizes operating systems and environments used with Intel-compatible equipment and discusses additional platforms. Command-line, menu-driven, and graphical user interface (GUI) systems are covered. Topics include storage devices, operating environment, system startup, menus, memory management, software package installation, and multitasking.

This course provides an overview of networking concepts. Topics include LAN topologies, transmission media, protocols, network operating systems, and the OSI Model. Network security issues and network-to-network connections are also discussed. Through lecture and classroom demonstrations, students are exposed to the procedures involved in administering a LAN.

Second Semester

This course introduces the basics of computer networking from concepts and terminology to materials and equipment. Topics form the foundation for further networking courses, with a solid grasp of fundamentals that lead to experience with equipment. The majority of this course deals with theory, with equipment used for demonstration. Prerequisite: IS101 Computers and Society, or IS100 Introduction to Computers and Society, or CI104 Introduction to Cybersecurity or CI121 Microcomputer Techniques for Science.

This course provides an understanding of the UNIX operating system, covering commands, utilities, and scripts. It focuses on the skill development needed to administer a UNIX system, emphasizing file management, security issues, upgrades, and backups. The installation and maintenance of UNIX systems are addressed. Prerequisite: IS101 Computers and Society, or IS100 Introduction to Computers and Society, or CI121 Microcomputer Techniques for Science or CI104 Introduction to Cybersecurity.

The course provides an overview of computers and network security, addressing the balance of access and security in standard practices and performance issues. It covers the effective design, implementation, and support of security policies for large-scale enterprise networks. It deals with preventive and post-event recovery tools. Prerequisite: CI104 Introduction to Cybersecurity or CI112 Networking Fundamentals or CI130 Programing in C++.

This course covers the design, implementation, and support of security policies for large-scale enterprise networks. It addresses security analysis/defensive tools, including implementation and circumvention. Prerequisite: IS101 Computers and Society, or IS100 Introduction to Computers & Society, or CI104 Introduction to Cybersecurity, or CI121 Microcomputer Techniques for Science.