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RE 100. Introduction to Recreation

This course introduces the history, theory, and philosophy of the recreation movement and its relation to individuals and the groups in our changing society. Emphasis is placed on an orientation to recreation as a vocation within the structure of community recreation (governmental, public, and commercial).

Credits: 3

RE 102. Recreation Safety and Liability

This course provides an understanding of the risk management process in recreation programming and facility management. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of liability and negligence as related to the leisure delivery services system, with a focus on risk reduction and increased safety. Studies culminate in completion of group-assigned risk management plans.

Credits: 3

RE 105. Recreation Leadership and Activity Development

This course develops skills and techniques used in leading individual and group activities for all ages. The 11 program areas in the field of Recreation and Leisure are covered. Emphasis is placed on developing lesson plans and presenting activities. Field trips are included. Corequisite: RE100 Introduction to Recreation.

Credits: 3

RE 106. Outdoor Recreation and Leisure Activities

This course investigates the field of outdoor recreation and leisure. Outdoor activities develop knowledge of group dynamics and leadership skills. Federal, state, and private programs are studied through field trips and speakers. There is a strong focus on today’s environment and its effect on outdoor activity. Prerequisite: RE105 Recreation Leadership and Activity Development. Corequisite: RE100 Introduction to Recreation.

Credits: 3

RE 204. Fitness Programming and Management

This course provides an in-depth look at aspects of physical fitness and methods of measuring. It covers management techniques as they apply to fitness center facilities. Laboratory sessions offer hands-on experience leading and participating in fitness activities.

Credits: 3

RE 205. Recreation Internship 1

This course provides the opportunity to gain supervised practical experience in a recreation setting related to an area of professional interest. In addition to 90 hours of field experience, participation in a weekly seminar is required. Corequisite: RE100 Introduction to Recreation.

Credits: 3

RE 207. Recreation Internship 2

This course provides a continuation of the supervised experience in recreational settings. Greater initiative and responsibility are assumed at the internship site. In addition to 90 hours of field experience, participation in a weekly seminar is required. Corequisite: RE205 Recreation Internship 1

Credits: 3

RE 210. Recreation Program and Facility Management

This course applies activity, leadership, and risk management skills to leisure programming and facility management. Emphasis is placed on current programming and management concepts. Topics include personnel management; budgeting and purchasing practices; maintenance and repairs related to equipment, supplies, and facilities; program formats and scheduling techniques; and the evaluation process. Prerequisites: RE105 Recreation Activity and Leadership Development and RE106 Outdoor Recreation and Leisure Activities

Credits: 3

RE 214. Therapeutic Recreation

This course explores leisure delivery services designed to meet the needs of special populations in unique structured settings and community placements. Emphasis is placed on understanding the five functional domains in relation to the individuals need for recreation and leisure services. Community involvement, lesson planning, and leading activities are required.

Credits: 3