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HP 101. Introduction to Honors

This course is the first step in completing the Honors Program and earning Honors distinction. Through a series of readings and exercises, students gain a whole-brain approach to learning – the foundation for making original discoveries. They also develop personal, academic, and professional goals. Students draft a formal proposal for their independent research project by the end of the course. In the process of completing these tasks, students develop an Honors community. The CF100 program requirement is waived for students who complete this course. Prerequisite: Admittance into Honors Program and/or award of Presidential Scholarship.

Credits: 1

HP 200. Honors Seminar

This course is the second step toward completing the Honors program and earning the Honors distinction. Honors Seminar topics vary, but all seminars are interdisciplinary and reading and writing-intensive. This course emphasizes the development of critical and creative thought through class discussions, readings, and written assignments. Prerequisites: A minimum G.P..A. of 3.25 and completion of HP101 Introduction to Honors with a grade of “B” or higher.

Credits: 3

HP 201. Honors Capstone Project

This course is the final requirement toward completing the Honors Program and earning Honors distinction. Students will carry out the independent capstone project that they proposed in HP101. This project will be completed with the guidance of the student's faculty mentor and the course instructor. Students will be required to complete a research based paper as well as give an oral presentation of their findings at the bi-annual Honors Symposium. Capstone projects can include, but are not limited to, the following project types: qualitative experiments, quantitative experiments, literature reviews, one-act plays, novellas, and service or applied learning experiences. Prerequisites: A minimum G.P..A. of 3.25 and completion of HP101 Introduction to Honors with a grade of “B” or higher.

Credits: 1