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GD 110. Digital Design

This course introduces the principles, techniques, and technologies used to produce graphic design on the computer. The visual elements and language of graphic design are taught through the demonstration and mastery of programs and problem-solving methods. It includes becoming technically proficient in the use of software, learning the methodology of graphic design, and demonstrating problem-solving ability.

Credits: 3

GD 121. Digital Typography

This course covers the fundamentals of typesetting and typography. It includes a study of the development of type designs, typesetting methods, type measurement, and page layout. Computers are used to prepare multi-color mechanicals while becoming familiar with one or more software programs appropriate for typesetting and page construction.

Credits: 3

GD 145. Digital Applications 1

This course introduces contemporary text manipulation, digital imaging, and digital illustration software. Students produce projects demonstrating their knowledge of both the software and the interfaces between page layout, raster graphics, and vector graphics. No previous software knowledge is required.

Credits: 3

GD 146. Digital Applications 2

This advanced course integrates contemporary text manipulation, digital imaging, and digital illustration software. Students complete industry standard projects demonstrating mastery of software. Prerequisite: GD 145 Digital Applications 1.

Credits: 3

GD 198. Graphic Design 1: Fundamentals

This course covers the fundamentals of combining typography and image. It includes a study in the development of methods and practices that leads to solid visual solutions. Problem solving methodologies are implemented to explore the marriage of typography and image. Terminology and creative standards are discussed and put into practice. Several creative methods, both traditional and digital, are explored to develop a strong understanding of the creative process and its impact on effective communication.

Credits: 3

GD 199. Graphic Design 2: Advanced Design Studio

This course expands on the practices and theories of the creative design practice. Students build on the topics discussed and implemented in GD198. Understanding and application of current software is expected in this intermediate course to achieve professional results. Traditional and digital problem-solving techniques will be explored within the creative studio environment. Prerequisite: GD198 Graphic Design 1: Fundamentals

Credits: 3

GD 218. Graphic Design Seminar

This course prepares for entry into graphic design as a practicing professional. Emphasis is placed on the preparation of resumes and portfolios for professional presentation. It augments the ability to solve advanced graphic design problems in corporate identity.

Credits: 3

GD 220. Graphic Design Theory 4

GD220 Graphic Design Theory 4 C-2 P-2 Cr-3 This course introduces creative applications of typography, building upon vocabulary by mastering a series of visual problems typographically. Historic and contemporary applications are demonstrated. Traditional and digital media are used in executing graphic solutions. Prerequisites: GD121 Digital Typography.

Credits: 3

GD 221. Typography 1

This course explores visual problem solving as it relates to publication design. Students apply design principles and practice to various formats using the printed page. Students are introduced to the typographic grid and practice its application in the design process.

Credits: 3

GD 222. Typography 2

This course explores advanced visual typographic problem solving as it relates to print design. Students apply advanced design principles and practice as they prepare to create a professional portfolio. Advanced understanding and application of the typographic grid is applied to problems in the design process. Prerequisite: GD221 Typography 1.

Credits: 3

GD 297. Graphic Design 3: Design Systems

This is an advanced course in the use of digital software to generate professional-level and advanced graphic designs. Research and critical thinking are applied to various subject matter to help the student establish a uniform problem-solving method for creative success. Students are expected to apply knowledge and skills from Fundamental and Advanced Design Studio. Prerequisite: GD199 Graphic Design 2: Advanced Design Studio

Credits: 3

GD 298. Graphic Design 4: Social Media and Web

This course is an introduction to visual communication within today's digital platforms. Students are introduced to the application of graphic design principles in a variety of web and social media platforms. Prerequisite: GD297 Graphic Design 3: Design Systems

Credits: 3

GD 299. Graphic Design Portfolio Workshop

This course prepares students for entry into the graphic design profession utilizing the breadth of work created within the Graphic Design curriculum. Emphasis is placed on the preparation of multiple portfolios (traditional and digital) for academic advancement or a lifelong career as a Graphic Designer. Prerequisite: GD298 Graphic Design 4: Social Media and Web

Credits: 3