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EN 001. EN101: ILS

Recitation supplements English: Composition lecture by reinforcing content in reading and writing, provides practical experiences, and introduces learning strategies.


EN 002. CF112: ILS

This integrated learning support course stresses improvement of reading comprehension and vocabulary for college-level coursework. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement test result. Corequisite: CF 112: Critical Thinking and Reasoning


EN 090. Basic Writing Skills

This composition course focuses on the organization and development of ideas, the subordination and coordination of sentences, and the practice of standard usage. Students develop skills in writing, revising, and editing paragraphs and short essays. Prerequisite: Appropriate score on placement test writing sample.


EN 099. Introduction to College English

This composition course focuses on the organization and development of ideas, the subordination and coordination of sentences, and the practice of standard usage. Students develop skills in writing, revising, and editing paragraphs and short essays. Prerequisite: Appropriate score on placement test writing sample.


EN 101. English 1: Composition

This course focuses on several kinds of writing-self-expressive, informative, and argumentative/persuasive, and others. A minimum of five essay compositions are required. The course emphasizes the composition of clear, correct, and effective prose required in a variety of professions and occupations. Prerequisites: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or EN090 Basic Writing Skills or SL116 ESL4: Advanced Composition or SL145 ESOL Advanced Composition

Credits: 3

EN 102. English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature

This course encourages a deeper understanding of human nature and the human condition through the study of ideas and values expressed in imaginative literature. Emphasis is placed on the use and development of critical thinking and language skills. Library-oriented research is required. Prerequisite: EN101 English 1: Composition or EN105 English Composition for Speakers of Other Languages or EN106 English 1: Composition & Reading.

Credits: 3

EN 105. English Composition for Speakers of Other Languages

This course is equivalent to EN101 English 1: Composition requirement for non-native English speakers. It focuses on self-expressive, informative, and argumentative/persuasive writing. Emphasis is placed on the composition of clear, correct, and effective prose required both in academic settings and in a variety of professions and occupations in American culture. Patterns of organization and development, communicative grammar and syntax, and the significant acquisition of vocabulary and idiom are stressed. Prerequisite: An appropriate placement test result, or successful completion of SL116 ESL4: Advanced Composition or SL145 ESOL Advanced Composition

Credits: 4

EN 106. English 1: Composition & Reading

This course focuses on several kinds of reading and writing--self expressive, informative, argumentative/persuasive, and others. It emphasizes the comprehension and composition of clear, correct and effective prose required in a wide variety of professions and occupations. Prerequisites: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or EN090 Basic Writing Skills or SL116 ESL4: Advanced Composition or SL145 ESOL Advanced Composition. This course satisfies EN101 requirement.

Credits: 4

EN 110. Oral and Written Communication

This course covers the effective oral and written contexts of occupational communications. It includes practice in oral presentations, business letters, resumes, memos, instructional materials and reports, and visual aids. It is designed specifically for A.O.S. degree programs. Prerequisite: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or EN090 Basic Writing Skills or SL116 ESL4: Advanced Composition or SL145 ESOL Advanced Composition.

Credits: 3

EN 111. Public Speaking: A Mini-Course

This mini-course emphasizes the basics of preparing, organizing, and delivering informative and persuasive speeches based on personal experience and a cursory look at current and local issues. It includes topic selection, gathering materials, and use of visual aids. This course does not substitute for EN150 Effective Speech.

Credits: 1

EN 147. Report Writing

This course emphasizes the preparation of written reports, focusing on organization, format, language, and purpose. Reports based on the types written in the fields of business, industry, and sciences are prepared. Prerequisite: EN110 Oral & Written Communication.

Credits: 3

EN 148. Modern Short Story

This course traces the development of the modern short story from its origins in other story forms to the present. Emphasis is placed on recent and contemporary writers, with attention given to content, form, and style.

Credits: 3

EN 149. Introduction to Poetry

This course investigates the basic elements of poetry. It features poets from diverse backgrounds and focuses on form, imagery, figurative language, symbolism, allusion, and myths. Emphasis is on historical, philosophical, social, and psychological themes. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 150. Effective Speech

This course is an introduction to public speaking. It emphasizes the fundamentals of preparing, organizing, supporting, and delivering the speech based on factual material. It includes topic selection, audience analysis, fact vs. opinion, outlining, supporting material, and visual support. Informative, demonstrative, and persuasive speeches are presented. Elements of interpersonal communication, logic, and persuasion are discussed. Prerequisite: EN101 English 1: Composition or EN105 English Composition for Speakers of Other Languages or EN106 English 1: Composition & Reading.

Credits: 3

EN 151. Practical and Professional Oral Communication

This course provides guidance and practice in types of oral presentations commonly used in business, industrial, and academic settings. It involves making and presenting of oral and visual material for participation in small conference and large audience situations. It emphasizes group dynamics and the importance of interpersonal communication techniques in the conference or meeting situation. Prerequisite: EN150 Effective Speech.

Credits: 3

EN 152. Oral Interpretation

This course involves the use of public speaking skills and techniques as an art form. It emphasizes the use of voice and body to interpret poems, passages from fiction, etc. in a public reading situation. Group readings of short plays or scenes from plays are included. This is highly recommended for students considering teaching, broadcasting, acting and/or interpretive arts. Prerequisite: EN150 Effective Speech or permission of the instructor.

Credits: 3

EN 153. Practical and Professional Written Communications

This course covers the skills required to communicate in the industrial, business, and technical settings. Emphasis is placed on the objective presentation of ideas and information. It includes the preparation of formal and informal reports, abstracts, summaries, and proposals. It covers practice in the coherent organization of ideas, stylistic conventions, standard language usage, and the design and decisions necessary for successful written communication. Prerequisites: EN101 English 1: Composition or EN105 English Composition for Speakers of Other Languages or EN106 English 1: Composition & Reading, and EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values of Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 154. Persuasive Writing

This course deals with the techniques of changing attitudes and opinions. It analyzes and provides practice in presentation of issues and evidence, methods of argumentation, and uses of emotion and other mechanisms. It examines research in influence factors, persuasibility, credibility, and the components of attitudes and opinions. Prerequisites: EN101 English 1: Composition or EN105 English Composition for Speakers of Other Languages or EN106 English 1: Composition & Reading, and EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values of Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 160. English Grammar and Usage

This course improves the knowledge of basic English grammar, punctuation, vocabulary usage, and spelling. It is intended for those who wish to apply this knowledge to their studies or work, to review material learned in earlier years, to prepare for a professional exam, or to understand the English language better.

Credits: 3

EN 196. Journalism

This course introduces American journalism, including electronic media. Lectures cover historical and operational aspects, while readings and discussions explore controversial issues surrounding the news media. Written assignments provide practice in news gathering and journalistic writing: news reporting, live coverage, headline and caption writing, sports writing, feature writing, and reviewing. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 197. Creative Writing

This course introduces the techniques of fiction and poetry writing through a series of discussions, readings, and writing activities. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 198. Contemporary Poetry

This course focuses on the poetry written in recent years, with emphasis on living poets. Topics include the basic elements of prosody, prominent poetic forms, and current trends such as language poetry and rap, slam, and other performance-based modes. Prerequisites: EN102 English 2: Ideas and Values in Literature

Credits: 3

EN 240. Children's Literature

This course is a survey of traditional and contemporary literature for children from birth through Grade 6. Literary models include picture books, traditional literature, poetry, fantasy, juvenile fiction and nonfiction, biography, and informational books. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values of Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 241. Nineteenth-Century American Women's Fiction

This course examines works of fiction by Nineteenth-Century American women, which have been traditionally excluded from the canon. It exercises a range of critical approaches to analyze novels and short stories. Topics include domesticity and the sphere of women, the voice of the mother and wife, political action and suffrage, the economics of writing and publishing, sentimentalism, and the link to contemporary society. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 248. American Literature 1

This course is a survey of representative American writers from the Columbian Exchange to 1914, including the Colonial, Revolutionary, and Federal periods, as well as Romanticism and Realism. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 249. American Literature 2

This course is a survey of representative American writers from 1914 to the present. The focus is on Modern, Post-Modern, and Contemporary movements in American Literature. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 255. World Literature 1

This course is a survey of the world literature masterpieces in English translation from the ancient times through the Renaissance. Among the major writers and texts studied are Homer, Sophocles, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Dante, the Bhagwad Gita, the Jataka, Machiavelli, Rabelais, Cervantes, and Shakespeare. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 256. World Literature 2

This course is a survey of world literature masterpieces in English translation from the Enlightenment through the Twentieth Century. Among the major writers studied are Swift, Pope, Voltaire, Roussnau, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Kafka, Ibsen, Camus, Garcia Marquez, Achebe, Mishima, and Mann. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 265. African-American Literature: A Survey

This course provides an historical survey of the literature written by Americans of African descent from colonial times to the present. Emphasis is given to slave narratives, autobiographical writings, the Harlem Renaissance, and the development of the African- American novel. Prerequisites: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values of Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 271. British Literature 1

This course is a survey of the British literary tradition through a study of selected masterworks in poetry and prose through the Eighteenth Century. Among the major writers studied are Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, Donne, Milton, Dryden, Pope, Swift, and Johnson. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 272. British Literature 2

This course is a survey of the British literary tradition through a study of selected masterworks in poetry and prose from the Romantic period through the Twentieth Century. Among the major writers studied are Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Hardy, Shaw, Joyce, Yeats, and Eliot. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 275. Shakespeare

This course examines the life and work of William Shakespeare, the context in which Shakespeare was writing, and the importance of the theater during the English Renaissance. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 280. Dramatic Literature: The Classic Theatre

This course covers the classic period of drama from the ancient Greek theater of 400 B.C.E. to the neo-classic French theater of the Eighteenth Century. Major plays and playwrights from world theaters are discussed. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 281. Dramatic Literature: Modern Drama

This course explores the period of drama beginning in the Nineteenth Century and running to the mid-Twentieth Century. Major plays and playwrights from world theaters are discussed. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 282. Contemporary Drama

This course explores the period of drama beginning in the middle of the 20th century and introduces major plays and playwrights from world theaters since World War II. Prerequisite: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature.

Credits: 3

EN 295. Mass Communications

This course introduces the history, theory, processes, effects, and issues of mass media in American Society. It explains how emerging technologies shape the way we communicate and affect us as individuals and societies. Topics include electronic, print, radio, television, film and digital media. Course Prerequisite: EN102: Ideas and Values in Literature

Credits: 3

EN 297. Creative Writing 2

This course helps to develop skills in writing short fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction. A series of well-crafted exercises are completed with situations that focus on the same characters. Models for writing are the works of published authors and fellow course participants. Other activities may include conferences and collaborative evaluations. Prerequisites: EN197 Creative Writing.

Credits: 3